Jersey Shore Change Location

The Importance of Using Insured Pool Professionals

Have you ever considered what would happen if the swimming pool cleaner that you just hired got hurt in your back yard? What if they cause severe damage to your pool while servicing it? Will you have to cover this cost? Bottom line, is your swimming pool company insured for issues that may arise?

If your answer is “I don’t know,” then now is a great time to ask. Many small swimming pool companies lack the proper insurance needed to cover a worst-case-scenario while on the job. Often times, these companies are not insured at all. This is often something that’s rarely thought about until it’s too late.

When searching for a pool company be sure to ask for a Certificate of Insurance. You may find that the cheapest company is cheap for a reason. At ASP - America's Swimming Pool Company, all of our franchisees are fully insured. If you’re unsure of whether or not your pool company has a Certificate of Insurance, locate and contact your closest ASP location today!