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ASP Pool Cleaning Services Helps Customers View Swimming as a Sport

Person swimming

When you think of a competitive sport for your kids to participate in, what comes to mind? Football, soccer, volleyball, and baseball are the typical answers, but what about swimming? Our pool cleaning franchises encourage a love of swimming whether as a competitive or leisure activity.

Funnest Sport on Earth

According to SwimToday, a marketing campaign dedicated to changing the way families view competitive swimming, 80% of parents overlook swimming when helping their child find a sport to compete in. However, in the 2014 State of the Competitive & Fitness Swimming Industry Report, swimming blew other sports out of the water in categories like teamwork, fun, ease of learning, parental enjoyment, coolness, and opportunities for a financial future.

The campaign set out to demonstrate the fun of swimming as a sport in their national campaigns which featured their tagline “funnest sport there is” followed by #funnestsport. The campaign was supported by influential names in the industry including Counsilman-Hunsaker and the USA Swimming Foundation. “The SwimToday campaign is a great way for us to get more involved in promoting the industry that is so dear to us,” said Scott Hester, President at Counsilman-Hunsaker.

For the Love of Swimming

As the love of swimming grows across the nation, more and more pools are being installed. Whether commercial or residential swimming pools, they all need to be cleaned and maintained. The trend to care for your own pool water is fading, and the services of local pool cleaning companies are being used more and more. ASP - America's Swimming Pool Company provides a full spectrum of services from pool cleaning, pool maintenance, pool repair, safety equipment installation, pool and deck remodel and renovation and advice on swimming pool covers.

ASP - America's Swimming Pool Company has been recognized as the nation’s number one swimming pool company and believes in providing a higher quality of pool cleaning service. We are excited for the growth and promotion of the swimming industry that campaigns such as SwimToday offer and will work hard to earn your trust as our customer.

For more information on pool cleaning, maintenance, or swimming pool covers, contact your local ASP - America's Swimming Pool Company franchise. For pool cleaning franchise opportunities, visit