filter before and after

A clean swimming pool filter is essential for the smooth operation of a swimming pool. It aids the overall operation of a pool. Dirt and debris make their way into the pool and will remain in the there without a pool filter. The potential for algae growth and water borne illness may occur without proper filtration and a smooth operating filter.

The water is pulled through the filter from your skimmers or the main drain at the bottom of the pool. A telltale sign of poor filtration is a high pressure reading on the filter or cloudy water. Their purpose to pull debris and bacteria through the return pipes to the filter where it passes through materials that will pull the contaminants out of the water.

Residential pools have 2 primary types of filters. 1) A DE or Diatomaceous Earth Filter and 2) a Cartridge Filter. From the outside they may look similar but the differences are in the medium that filters the water.

The DE filter uses Diatomaceous Earth into the filtration process, it coats the grids with finely ground microscopic coral, shells, and more. These DE particles can capture even the smallest dirt particles as it passes through. A DE Filter offers an opportunity to backwash or reverse the water flow when the filter pressure is high. Additional DE is added through the skimmer to provide clean DE medium to the grids. Backwash as needed. Typically, monthly or when the filter pressure is high. A complete Filter Clean should occur two times annually to replace all the DE, rinse and check the grids. Grids should be replaced when they tear or every 2-3 years whichever occurs first. Not doing regular filter cleans will put a strain on the grids causing the need to replace them more frequently. A torn grid can allow DE to pass through to the pool. If you notice a white powdery substance coming in the pool, it will probably be the DE entering through a torn grid.

A Cartridge filter uses the cloth-type material as the agent for filtration. The filter includes several cartridges. Water runs through the material, and returns back into the pool. There is no way to backwash a cartridge filter. This means that typically they may need a full cleaning 3-4 times annually when the pressure gets high. Cartridges, themselves, usually need to be replaced every 3 to 4 years, depending on usage and pool environment.

When was the last time you had your filter cleaned? We recommend a good filter clean prior to Spring pollen and pollutants. Call us today to schedule one at 214-503-7171